traffic is secondary


gonna be on 4.54am train to jamaica so wont have access to a comp for a while, sit tight, will blog overtime when i get to l.a

slap that turkey bacon. crank dat tato.

anna and i whipped this out some wednesday morn in june.
i am holding a potato that has root coming out of it that allows me to spin it around and what not, anna has a strip of turkey bacon. no i dont think im a good dancer, no i dont think anyone reads my blog, yes i will continue pursuing advancement in the internet media industry.

some of the comments received on the video, in its original youtube posting.

Romez23 (2 months ago)

*cough* faggs..*cough*..

makosashima (1 month ago)

Fuck all

SuperFlyTyler (3 weeks ago)

thats hot

sort of a mixed bag/mostly negative.

Congratulations to Carly Brien!

i asked for it, and you delivered. your comment really ignited some hot debate on moo's view. thank you for your continued support and inspiration!

The first person to comment on my blog

will receive a shout out in my next post.


warm gloves and an omelette subscription.