traffic is secondary

may i introduce to you my esteemed colleague...

Big rubes here, reppin the male contingent of Gambier 06 on polkahippocorn, the spiciest new blog on the web. Before I indulge, I want to holler righteous shoutouts to my girls – Carlybee who I have never seen (albeit vid-chat) so happy lately, and my girl Moo who has successfully challenged the notion that you don’t have to be a completely loser to blogspeak. Speaking of losers, please look at this carrot colored turbo below:
it is people like this that assuage egos like mine. Also didn’t realize belt buckles were getting rocked by gay Russian military assassins, but I digress. And by digress, I mean I move one over to the chromosomally confused country music fan with a forehead the size of a thigh and t-shirt sleeves that could keep your warm at winter. Eat your heart out, girls. Anyway I don’t really have much to say except I miss you both dearly, and anyone else who reads this blog as religiously as I do. A black kate moss once told me: